Caretaker's Office

✯ esther/gary ⋆ "iyltmacphuataiynhhuatdyo" ⋆ infp ⋆ black british ✯

Alright, enough of the aesthetic rentry spiel. My handly-namy thing is, as I have already mentioned, Esther (my middle name) or Gary (a generally goofy one). I go by @teddypolar(238) on various corners of the web. I live in the subjectively nice land of the English. I am nearsighted and wear glasses. I am, uh, a jollofmuncher… I LIKE HOMESTUCK. My twin likes it more. I'd consider myself a nerd. My favourite colour (the one which formerly assaulted your eyes in the back) is cyan, no matter how much chartreuse I use nowadays. I like sitcoms. My favourite food is Pot Noodle. More interesting stuff on the interests page. Probably. Hopefully.